Friday 7 July 2017

Living or you are just alive ? We are living in such a world where everything is fake. People's emotions are fake, their feelings are not true. We are running day and night so that we could be alive; breathe, and go on. We all are underground man. It feels like insects when we walk on the road. Feelings are entangled. We have made ourselves the victim of this age that has forced us to crawl like insects to fill out tummy and start working again . We aren't living...we are just alive , some because of broken heart, few with broken dreams ...make some time for yourself. Life is too short to just be alive. Live the life as we all know we have to work hard coz this is a world for survival of the fittest .

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Avinash grew up listening stories of fairies, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Mermaids and beautiful princess. He always wished in the mind of his minds that one day he will marry a princess. His fantasies grew as much as he. Avinash anticipated so much that reality never satisfied him. He started living in the wonderland of Alice where rabbits can talk, flowers can share their stories, where mermaids came to beseech him. The reality full of artificiality never attracted him. He started searching for the 'chirag of Alladin', instead he got name tags- "psycho", "daydreamer", "escapist", and so on. His imagination overpowered him so much that he never wanted to face the reality of mad people who called him mad. He doesn't end in the way we thought of by meeting the Princess of his dreams. He was thrashed by the subtle truth and couldn't endure to accept the reality. Locked himself in a cabin near the sea... waiting for the never coming princess, who emerged, every night in his dreams and assured him that she would come some day...some time...may be in another life...

Monday 3 July 2017

Radha, a girl of 13 years. She is daughter of a farmer who yields his field whole day. He never went to school so he wanted his children to educate as much as he can. Radha has a younger brother Ratan. They both go to school that is five kilometres from their home. She is one of the brightest students of her class. She is a girl of dynamic power, can read whole day, paints in her copy, not "drawing copy", her father cannot afford that expensive copy. She has a dream to colour the canvas, to make the world go gaga with her paintings. Alas! Her dream didn't last long. She is a girl, she has to face the cruelty of growing up, the process to become a woman. She is now facing all the "hormonal locha", we call it 'puberty', in our decent language. It's a natural process through which we all pass, right? Hormonal imbalance is like passing through volcanic eruption. Oh!, I was telling you a story about Radha, so I should come to the point. Radha is facing her 'menstruation'. She has to skip school for some days regularly so that she could save her family's dignity. She has to sleep on the floor, eat in discarded utensils, couldn't touch pickels (her touch can rot it). It's her punishment that nature has given her. And the society has added thousands of myths that made her hate herself. She always wished and pray to God ,"please take my blood away". Her parents cannot afford sanitary napkins. She asked her mother one day-"can you buy me pads?" Her mother genuinely replied, "khana to muskil se kha pate hain, tere liye kapda kahan se laaun". (we get food with so much of difficulty, how can I buy you clothes). Radha's mother had never seen pads, so for her it always remained clothes. Her life became pathetic and she dropped out from her school. Her dreams shattered.
Every year thousands of poor girls drop out from school just because they cannot afford sanitary napkins. It's a genuine issue not a taboo. One should talk about it. There's a hope that one day it will become a normal case like we treat- fever, cough and cold. Wish that every girl could achieve her dreams and every boy will support them whether father, brother, friend or husband. 

Saturday 1 July 2017

Boredom is at its peak. No one is satisfied. Everyone is feeling insecure, distressed, bored, uneasy,etc. If one is at home , one feels like working and travelling. One who is roaming around wants to get settled. The one who is comfortably settled wants to be displaced. The one who is working wants a day off. The one who takes off repents his decision. People keep on planning to cope up with the feeling of boredom. We have so many options of entertainment. We can simply open YouTube channel, scroll down the notifications of -whstsapp, Facebook, Instagram,Twitter, etc. Even if one opens up these things, still feels bore after sometime. This boredom is a state of mind and it is the brutal truth of our existence. To get rid of boredom one tries every evil one can. Boredom results in suffering, pain, anxiety, depression, humiliation and all the negative elements of life. Don't react rather communicate. Don't hear, try to listen. We have life, not in social cites but with the people whom we love . Let's be satisfied, happy and secure. 

Multiple personality

The hands that rocked the cradle did not get the cradle to rock in. Do you ever feel like fourteen heads are inside you? Do you know how i...