Tuesday 4 July 2017

Avinash grew up listening stories of fairies, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Mermaids and beautiful princess. He always wished in the mind of his minds that one day he will marry a princess. His fantasies grew as much as he. Avinash anticipated so much that reality never satisfied him. He started living in the wonderland of Alice where rabbits can talk, flowers can share their stories, where mermaids came to beseech him. The reality full of artificiality never attracted him. He started searching for the 'chirag of Alladin', instead he got name tags- "psycho", "daydreamer", "escapist", and so on. His imagination overpowered him so much that he never wanted to face the reality of mad people who called him mad. He doesn't end in the way we thought of by meeting the Princess of his dreams. He was thrashed by the subtle truth and couldn't endure to accept the reality. Locked himself in a cabin near the sea... waiting for the never coming princess, who emerged, every night in his dreams and assured him that she would come some day...some time...may be in another life...

1 comment:

Multiple personality

The hands that rocked the cradle did not get the cradle to rock in. Do you ever feel like fourteen heads are inside you? Do you know how i...