Friday 7 July 2017

Living or you are just alive ? We are living in such a world where everything is fake. People's emotions are fake, their feelings are not true. We are running day and night so that we could be alive; breathe, and go on. We all are underground man. It feels like insects when we walk on the road. Feelings are entangled. We have made ourselves the victim of this age that has forced us to crawl like insects to fill out tummy and start working again . We aren't living...we are just alive , some because of broken heart, few with broken dreams ...make some time for yourself. Life is too short to just be alive. Live the life as we all know we have to work hard coz this is a world for survival of the fittest .

1 comment:

Multiple personality

The hands that rocked the cradle did not get the cradle to rock in. Do you ever feel like fourteen heads are inside you? Do you know how i...