Sunday 24 December 2017

Hello everyone,
It has been so long that I have written anything. All the time, I was wondering, what should I write? A lot has happened, indeed it would. Nothing can stop, right?  I was reading a story then I realized, to write is one of the most difficult and critical task. Writing is like a revolutionary work but still we are not enough revolutionised. People just read and then forget about it. So, basically I think, if my writing can even change a single person's mindset ...I mean just slightly that would be enough. I see people are changing lot. Even films are coming on sensitive issues that people know about, they do all the stuffs but cannot talk, isn't it weird?? We have to unveil those things. If we can imitate west in style and being "Mod", then why can't we be so free and Frank that we could actually talk to the people about 'sex', 'periods', and whatsoever about. Why to talk about one's body, one's life is a taboo? Be free and make everyone feel free....stay free!! Right ?? 

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