Saturday 1 July 2017

Boredom is at its peak. No one is satisfied. Everyone is feeling insecure, distressed, bored, uneasy,etc. If one is at home , one feels like working and travelling. One who is roaming around wants to get settled. The one who is comfortably settled wants to be displaced. The one who is working wants a day off. The one who takes off repents his decision. People keep on planning to cope up with the feeling of boredom. We have so many options of entertainment. We can simply open YouTube channel, scroll down the notifications of -whstsapp, Facebook, Instagram,Twitter, etc. Even if one opens up these things, still feels bore after sometime. This boredom is a state of mind and it is the brutal truth of our existence. To get rid of boredom one tries every evil one can. Boredom results in suffering, pain, anxiety, depression, humiliation and all the negative elements of life. Don't react rather communicate. Don't hear, try to listen. We have life, not in social cites but with the people whom we love . Let's be satisfied, happy and secure. 

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