Tuesday 27 June 2017

Our foster mother "Earth"

What if one day we get up from our sleep and see that our "mother earth" is no more our mother. We witness that she is behaving with us the way we did for so long. No more rains but tars and oil are falling on us. Garbage is being thrown at us. People are being cut down to make artifacts, decorative items, to showcase in museums as extinct species. How beautiful the earth would look without humankind! The way we are consuming the natural resources will deplete everything soon. Our foster mother can become furious and certainly show us the severest behavior. Start pondering, what would be the fate of humanity if our mother starts plundering us? Earth has given us Hermione's bag so that we can make ourselves habitable then why we are trying to open Pandora's Box? Do we behave with our mothers with the same attitude? Think before Pandora opens her box. Once Adam and Eve were abandoned by the God for eating the forbidden apple. We too, are doing all the forbidden things and should be ready for the fate which would be an eternal punishment like Prometheus. We are tearing and torning apart the green clothes of her, and in resistance, she is letting us breathe the poisonous air.

I read about Newton's first law while I was in school, every action has an equal and opposite reaction', but can literally feel it now. The whole world is engrossed in hatred, atrocities and committing crimes. And in the answer to it, our mother is furiously erupting lava, shaking the imbalances and burying them alive in her lap. What if one day in an enormous rage she thinks to engulf everything present and what if she turns the world upside down? There are many ifs and buts, but no answer! There was one Adam and one Eve, now we have countless numbers of Adams and Eves. There isn't one Pandora's Box, but rather we have boxes and all have been opened up. So, it's difficult to shut the box. Either we should move towards preserving our mother earth or we should tie our belts and get ready for the turbulence. Before our mother loses her patience and infuriates, we should take the oath that we'll not pollute, plunder and pluck the bounties of our Mother. She is the preserver and destroyer too, let's witness the peaceful, calm and composed side of the motherhood not the enraged, envious and monstrous one.


  1. That's the serious issues we should take first step for our Earth to protect them as we do for our families.

  2. Yeah we wait for govt to act for us, as if we have not elected them but appointed them. Nobody will stand beside us to close the taps when we are wasting water. It is our conscience to act ,. Its high time we left awaiting the Paris conventtions n blah blah, and started acting on our own micro level.

  3. Seriously we are using nope sorry we r actually making it deplete so we need to stop Nd think for a moment that what we r doing to our ownselves.

    1. Yup we have to. People should realise it as soon as possible!

  4. Seriously we are using nope sorry we r actually making it deplete so we need to stop Nd think for a moment that what we r doing to our ownselves.

  5. Here we go we talk much but do nothing we dream a lot but got nothing but have we guys ever wandered why because our plans and our actions don't meet anywhere so like this all what we need to do is just to wake up get up and be a little aware of our environment.


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