Monday 26 June 2017

Travelling!! Her only dream. She has always fantasies to go on the longest ride, wanted to cover the roads on her Bike. Yeah, it(bike) was her only love. She wanted to go on Hills in her heels. She was on her way to the mountains, where she could listen to her echoed voice. She was telling herself that," she is the most important person for herself". She was touching the clouds, filling her pockets with eternal happiness. The happiness that will not end like her petrol does!! She was just more than a body and flesh. She was a girl, a traveller, a writer, a living person... Oh, It was just a dream! An amazing one like J.K Rowling's, "Harry Potter". She is on her bed, messed up in her saree. She gets up and directly walk towards the kitchen. She has to cook food for her family. Yeah, she is a wife, a mother and her duty is to make everyone happy. She can only travel in her dreams!! Who asks a housewife that what were her dreams? A housewife has no goals, no ambition, no hobbies neither her own life. Rekha has thousands of dreams and desires like every other girl in the world. Her parents never bothered to ask whether she was happy being married before being independent. She was a part of bourgeois-where income is never sufficient in fulfilling the desires. But, indeed it wasn't her fault to be a dreamer. Nevertheless, she got married and was trapped in the culture of family building. She became a mother soon after and only a mother can understand the sacrifices she has to make to see her child happy and delighted. Everybody was happy around as She has been married off to be sacrificial, devotional, loving, caring and a good woman. And with utmost honesty, she was performing her duties.
Rekha was a perfect model of the institution which prepares women for being a sensible gild then a caring sister, an obedient daughter, and a submissive wife. She never questioned and never got the answers as well. But with the passage of time, she became mechanical in performing her duties without knowing and asking for her rights. Once sitting on her armchair in the noon when nobody was at home- children at school and husband at the office, she was the only soul left to talk with. To pass her time she was flipping the photo album of her college days when she was chirpy, vocal and spontaneous. She had charm, she was beautiful! She always led her squad flawlessly. She was lost in the vent of memories when she had dreams, she was always teased by the name- daydreamer. Wh knew then that all her dreams will remain a dream which she can only see while sleeping. She had a life then which brought few teardrops. She wanted her life back!
Rekha got up from the chair and stood in front of the mirror. She started comparing herself with the image in the photo album. The girl was a lot different from this woman standing in the front of the mirror. The girl was carefree and childish while this woman has to take care of two children and her husband, she is responsible and careful. She has lost her charm while taking care of everyone.SHe was looking at herself after a long time. Her eyes full of tears wasn't able to show her the correct reflection. She started rubbing the mirror with her saree thinking the mirror was not cleaned up properly. Later she realizes it was her tears which made her own reflection blur. That point was the point of transition of her life. She has flummoxed what to do and how to do? She does not want to die with the regret of not living her life as per her wishes. She does not want to be known as somebody's wife and her children's mother. She thought and came to the conclusion that she has to live her life. She put her points in front of her family and to her surprise, they did not understand. After all, she is a wife and a mother. If she will leave everything behind who would look after her children? Who will be there for her husband at times of break down? Nonetheless, she is just a woman, a married woman a body and flesh! which is always been used to wife the feet and used as a stair in achieving the goal. She- a woman is always a pillar of success whose usefulness is never appreciated! And with the disagreement of her family, her dreams died in her heart...


Multiple personality

The hands that rocked the cradle did not get the cradle to rock in. Do you ever feel like fourteen heads are inside you? Do you know how i...