Thursday 29 June 2017

History, it's not the absolute. It keeps on changing. Power changes so does history. History has been manufactured and still it is in the process ... History that is dead and gone has no use. Oh sorry! It has actually, in qualifying civil services. People mug up the whole civilisation's history, get good positions, write good speeches for authoritative spineless, brainless creatures, frame policies,etc etc. History has never been lucid, unbiased from one's narration. Today will become a history tomorrow but in a different version in a better outlook. So, what kind of history we have to create and craft? Don't look back for a glorious one. It has never been. History;a handmade body of belief. Create it, make it, renovate it!! History has made pauper a Prince. History repeats itself. Today's reign tells us about the dictatorial government that is kind of one man army, who takes the whole decision. Here comes the good days!! That will be written in golden letters for the readers of future to proclaim their past Glorious. 

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