Monday 23 April 2018

Multiple personality

The hands that rocked the cradle did not get the cradle to rock in. Do you ever feel like fourteen heads are inside you? Do you know how it feels like? Everything seems so normal at times and at times it's like you don't even know yourself. You suddenly feel empty, void and a vacuum space inside you. Your world is full of happiness and merriment a few minutes back, now you feel that there is only boredom in your life. In making sense of your life you, yourself become nonsensical. You talk so much and suddenly with a pause you stop like you never liked talking. 

You are a console, a healer but, at times you feel your wounds can never be healed. You are a happy go lucky person, people love to be around, whom everybody loves and adore, but, do you feel the same?  You are an epitome of love, sacrifice, and empathy and often you get to see your witchy side. I mean what is this? Isn't it sound absurd? By the way, I think our whole life is absurd and mere probabilities of numbers. We never reach an end. We always strive for something new. And that something new never quenches our thirst.

The moment I feel like I have understood the meaning of life, it laughs at me and changes its meaning. Again I have to understand the new vocabulary of life. It keeps of proving how vulnerable I am, how insignificant I am. How small I am. Everyone will love you at your best but nobody can beat you at your worst. It is the hardcore fact. I have this dizzy feeling and I have no idea why I have these feelings? Am I getting mad? Life is actually in ashes. The ashes turn everyone, Gray. It does not matter whether you are black, white or brown. When you would be cremated you would be gray.

Sorry, I was talking about multiple personality feels like you ask a question to yourself and a war begins inside you. Yes, head over heads keeps on suggesting, advising, fighting. I cry aloud- stop everyone. At a point, I am so overambitious, want to achieve everything and the very next moment I am without any goal in my life. You fell in love with someone head over heels, and the very next moment you are not ready to love yourself. These feelings are very confusing and frustrating. It can make you sick, but it has already made me one. I have been declared as mad: mentally ill. It's a fatal disease.

 People would only love you when you are at your best, nobody wants to witness the darkness of the same illuminating moon when it's dark. People interpret light, who sees something out in the darkness. So, I am the darkness. 

Saturday 30 December 2017


Just a feeling, whenever I open my notifications - either the people are busy traveling, uploading pics or half of the world is getting married. Isn't it upsetting?  And just look at me, what am I doing? The holidays passed on being sick and watching the temperature of room and weather forecast!! AHH, my 30% time passes in daydreaming 😑 neither there is any plan for traveling nor of getting married. Time really seems so long when there is boredom all around. You keep on listening to the ticking of the clock. Each and every second seems to elongate. You rewind n watch all the watched lot of movies. Talk to your each and every friend, but time doesn't pass. This feeling is enough to make you sick. But yeah it feels good to watch people traveling, to see them happy, to see them actually learn a lot of things. Every second person is writing, in fact writing so well. It is amazing to witness the philanthropic nature, to empathize with humankind. The plethora of humankind will definitely save the human race, and it is a good sign for us.
Hope to write some readable stuff quite soon. Until then survive with this thing...haha ...tie your seat belts I will quickly take you to the round of the world...ahaa not now but yeah quite soon enough.

Sunday 24 December 2017

Hello everyone,
It has been so long that I have written anything. All the time, I was wondering, what should I write? A lot has happened, indeed it would. Nothing can stop, right?  I was reading a story then I realized, to write is one of the most difficult and critical task. Writing is like a revolutionary work but still we are not enough revolutionised. People just read and then forget about it. So, basically I think, if my writing can even change a single person's mindset ...I mean just slightly that would be enough. I see people are changing lot. Even films are coming on sensitive issues that people know about, they do all the stuffs but cannot talk, isn't it weird?? We have to unveil those things. If we can imitate west in style and being "Mod", then why can't we be so free and Frank that we could actually talk to the people about 'sex', 'periods', and whatsoever about. Why to talk about one's body, one's life is a taboo? Be free and make everyone feel free....stay free!! Right ?? 

Friday 15 September 2017

Just another death!! It's quite normal for everyone to witness a news of death,murder,rape...and etc(you know what I am talking about,right?) Let the death happen again and again. Let it happen every second. Does it matter? Today it's you, tomorrow it would be I. It is the death of democracy,it is the murder of secularism, it is the rape of our rights and duties. Aah! For your own sake, get up people. Why we have taken the idea of death and devastation for so granted! What is so abnormal with us? If we find anyone kissing or hugging at a public place it becomes a damn big issue,but, if we find someone killing at the road it's quite normal, right ? I mean why we have become like like? What has happened to our conscience? Aren't we human any more or we only pretend to be human just by wearing a tee named "Being Human". Journalist is dying, reporters are being killed, child is being raped or murdered...where are we heading? What kind of future we want for our future?
It is not just another death! It is a brutal truth that whoever will open their mouth against the leaches and worms who are crawling and eating up everything will be shot out. We are literally dying and metaphorically living in a world full of hellish creeps. What on earth we are waiting for? No Kalki will come as a recarnation of God. 'God is dead'. 

Monday 28 August 2017

Days are dark,
Nights are bright!
Push me from the edge,
And I will fly...

We just keep on wishing our whole life...I wish I would have done that! I wish I would have made it! the same manner I too go on wishing a lot of things. May be the chain would break some day I would be free. We all are born free but we all are in chains. The chain that is invincible and invisible too. The chain that stops us from doing anything viable. There's a lot of ifs and buts, do's and don'ts. Let's break it, shake it and move towards something that makes you feel lively. Do something that gives you the essence of real 'Me'. 

Wednesday 9 August 2017

No colour!!! Everything is black and white. No emotions,no feelings like a clown. We are running out of time. No time to eat, to sleep. Yeah we belong to new world. The changing spirit. Just eat, sleep and repeat....where are we heading to? What are we doing? Why we are doing this? Haah! No answers (at the background the track plays- problem h problem h solution ka pta nhi...) Apt know?? Routine man it's called so so damn monotonous,boring and hatemost routine. Is it the life we all dream for? Is this a life worth living? Come on man ...get out of this coweb... breathe and break the barriers...let the soul live. Allow yourself a life worth living, lovable. Take a pause and dance on the beat. Let's the music play!!

Friday 7 July 2017

Living or you are just alive ? We are living in such a world where everything is fake. People's emotions are fake, their feelings are not true. We are running day and night so that we could be alive; breathe, and go on. We all are underground man. It feels like insects when we walk on the road. Feelings are entangled. We have made ourselves the victim of this age that has forced us to crawl like insects to fill out tummy and start working again . We aren't living...we are just alive , some because of broken heart, few with broken dreams ...make some time for yourself. Life is too short to just be alive. Live the life as we all know we have to work hard coz this is a world for survival of the fittest .

Multiple personality

The hands that rocked the cradle did not get the cradle to rock in. Do you ever feel like fourteen heads are inside you? Do you know how i...