Friday 15 September 2017

Just another death!! It's quite normal for everyone to witness a news of death,murder,rape...and etc(you know what I am talking about,right?) Let the death happen again and again. Let it happen every second. Does it matter? Today it's you, tomorrow it would be I. It is the death of democracy,it is the murder of secularism, it is the rape of our rights and duties. Aah! For your own sake, get up people. Why we have taken the idea of death and devastation for so granted! What is so abnormal with us? If we find anyone kissing or hugging at a public place it becomes a damn big issue,but, if we find someone killing at the road it's quite normal, right ? I mean why we have become like like? What has happened to our conscience? Aren't we human any more or we only pretend to be human just by wearing a tee named "Being Human". Journalist is dying, reporters are being killed, child is being raped or murdered...where are we heading? What kind of future we want for our future?
It is not just another death! It is a brutal truth that whoever will open their mouth against the leaches and worms who are crawling and eating up everything will be shot out. We are literally dying and metaphorically living in a world full of hellish creeps. What on earth we are waiting for? No Kalki will come as a recarnation of God. 'God is dead'. 

Multiple personality

The hands that rocked the cradle did not get the cradle to rock in. Do you ever feel like fourteen heads are inside you? Do you know how i...