Monday 28 August 2017

Days are dark,
Nights are bright!
Push me from the edge,
And I will fly...

We just keep on wishing our whole life...I wish I would have done that! I wish I would have made it! the same manner I too go on wishing a lot of things. May be the chain would break some day I would be free. We all are born free but we all are in chains. The chain that is invincible and invisible too. The chain that stops us from doing anything viable. There's a lot of ifs and buts, do's and don'ts. Let's break it, shake it and move towards something that makes you feel lively. Do something that gives you the essence of real 'Me'. 

Wednesday 9 August 2017

No colour!!! Everything is black and white. No emotions,no feelings like a clown. We are running out of time. No time to eat, to sleep. Yeah we belong to new world. The changing spirit. Just eat, sleep and repeat....where are we heading to? What are we doing? Why we are doing this? Haah! No answers (at the background the track plays- problem h problem h solution ka pta nhi...) Apt know?? Routine man it's called so so damn monotonous,boring and hatemost routine. Is it the life we all dream for? Is this a life worth living? Come on man ...get out of this coweb... breathe and break the barriers...let the soul live. Allow yourself a life worth living, lovable. Take a pause and dance on the beat. Let's the music play!!

Multiple personality

The hands that rocked the cradle did not get the cradle to rock in. Do you ever feel like fourteen heads are inside you? Do you know how i...